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423 Performance Recruiting Program was created to give athletes and their families a complete guide through the recruiting process.


Athletes, you get recruited based on the work YOU put in and by the way YOU perform. We exist to help you do those things to the best of your ability, but 423 Performance CAN NOT get you recruited.


But, if your goal is to play college football, we will do everything we can on our end to help you get there and eliminate some of the stress. The recruiting process can be daunting to athletes and their families, and we want to be a resource to you. 

Apply below to get started! (Coming Soon)

Our plan will help you navigate step by step from start to finish. We will be there to help you, answer questions, give advice, share experiences, and use our network of contacts to get you the answers you need. 


Our Recruiting Program will help you understand where you are TODAY, and what it will take to get where you want to be on signing day your senior year. 


We will begin with an initial consultation and evaluation. After everyone is on the same page about where you are, and where you want to go, we will develop a plan that will help you get there.

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Recruiting Application

Position(s): Select all that apply

Thanks for submitting!

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